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I wish you a Happy New Year! Trust your feelings! The feeling is always right.
. Bonner Talweg 87 Bonn 53113 A daily seminar February 22 10.00-17.00 Information here
Sofia Talks Media: Resilience in Times of Crisis is dedicating this year’s conference in autumn 2024 to trauma-informed journalism and all aspects that come with this increasingly important topic for media professionals. How does trauma impact the way we see the world...
37 short stories from my life by Ivan Todorov The book "Strawberries by Accord" contains stories written by my father between 2004 and 2015. This book is for all our friends who remember our father, and for anyone else who would like to enter his private world for a...
'The Ahr Valley of Compassion' is more than just a book about a flood disaster. It is a passionate appeal for empathy, cohesion and the recognition of our common humanity. Diana Ivanova succeeds in turning the catastrophe into a source of inspiration and a plea for a...