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“Traumas and Miracles. Portraits from Northwestern Bulgaria” is our long-term common work with Iranian/Canadian photographer Babak Salari.
We started working together in 2008. The project – exhibition with black and white photography and book with photography and text – travelled around Europe in 2010 – Vienna, Munich, Florence – and was exhibited in the National Art Gallery in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The new German edition “Trauma und Wunder. Porträts aus dem Nordwesten Bulgariens” accompanied the German exhibition of photographer Babak Salari in Schloss Eichholz (19 Feb-15 Apr 2016) and Citypension Bonn (12 Feb-30 August 2016).
The book “Traumas and Miracles. Portraits from Northwestern Bulgaria” can be found in English in bookstores in Munich and can be ordered through the blog here.