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Salon29 is the continuation of the literary salon in Goethestraße, which was born in November 2016.
It is dedicated to the topics “Who am I, who are we?”
We invite authors, especially from the fields of literature and film, who simply inspire us, to readings and talks at our home.
The focus of the salon is Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
We want to open up and create a new space where we can talk seriously, personally, critically, openly, where we can allow new thoughts to emerge. The Salon always offers some of our authors’ favorite meals, freshly prepared, and a glass of wine. There are always other surprises.
The pandemic has made it impossible to meet in our living room for nearly two years. But crisis is always also opportunity – with Salon29 we are developing new formats of communication and conversation!
Salon29 is now a mobile cultural event that moves between Bonn and Bad Bodendorf.
The first Salon after the pandemic in Bad Bodendorf took place on 3 July 2021. A literary reading with the stories collected during the pandemic on our blog – the book “Corona Schnee” (Corona-Snow).
The second salon – in 2022 was a benefit concert for Ukraine with jazz singer Tamara Lukasheva – on 17 September 2022 – in Bad Bodendorf.